Tales of Britannia Faire Chapter Listing
The opening chapter in the Britannia Faire Tale. Outlines the verbal journey ahead.
A History Lesson describing the two year lead up before Theowyn arrived to the Faire lands.
A trip down Interior Design lane. Designing a space for a character to blend in to.
After coming into a project three years in the making, where does one start.
Britannia Faire hosts a primitive outpost. There is no hot running water or electricity that does not run on generator. This chapter describes how the primitive obstacles were overcome.
Wanting to make my dollar stretch farther and become more self sustaining, this chapter describes the hows, whys, and trials of gardening out at the Faire.
With 56 acres of live action/real-time growth cycles happening on various levels, by various species, encouraged by various weather patterns on Britannia Faire’s stage and playground, there was a lot of set to manage.
A tale of Ecological Restoration.
The Faire is captured flooded after a large rain storm. A few science lessons about hydrology are included in this tale.
A tale spun around set design.
What does one do for fun in the middle of a remote valley?
A glimpse of the Faire during Winter and the actions that lead to hibernation.
The land reopens, spring draws neigh, visitors volunteer.
A tale of landscape design, part 1.
A tale of landscape design, part 2.
The land sustained damage from a trifecta of things.
There are only so many things one can do to out run reality; eventually somethings gotta give.
A Tale of healing.
A tale of the people attending the Faire favorite event.
The final tale, cast lists and closing statements.